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Why compare book prices on ?

Just like any product available online or offline, the book price varies drastically from one store to another store. You would never know how much the price difference of a book is, unless and until you browse through each book store manually. Well, we help you with these tedious tasks and find the lowest price for a book you’re looking for. Thus, saving your valuable time and money.

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How to compare book prices on ?

Going through the working of Tap on the search button (in the top right) and then type in any of the following - Book Title, Author, or even ISBN number. For best and guaranteed results type in the books ISBN / International Standard Book Number (ISBN 10 or ISBN 13).

Once you hit enter, we go through each and every available Indian online book store, like Flipkart, Amazon India, SapnaOnline, Bookchor, Pustakmandi, Books Wagon, Markmybook, Crossword, Rediff etc. In real-time we fetch the book price, book reviews, book ratings and other details from these Indian book stores. We then curate this result and offer a simple interface for you to know the price of a book on Indian online book stores.

You can then easily and conveniently choose the best book deal, head to the online book store and purchase it.

For the perfect results

To get the perfect result in our book price comparison engine, you can construct the actual URL yourself. For that first, you need the ISBN13 and ISBN 10 of a book. You can do this directly from Flipkart or Amazon in the book details section (in the book details page, find the ISBN).

Now, to construct the perfect book price comparison URL in, copy the ISBN13 and ISBN10, and place it in the URL structure below.

For example, in the "Stories We Never Tell", the ISBN 13 is 9789389152043 and ISBN10 is 9389152046. Thus the final book price comparison URL would be -

Yes, it's somewhat cumbersome, but we guarantee this would help our 'book workers', precisely collect prices from all Indian book stores.

That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.

— Jhumpa Lahiri