Sach Kahun Toh

Sach Kahun Toh

  • Neena Gupta

Publisher: Ebury Press
  • ISBN_10: 0670095273

  • ISBN_13: 9780670095278

How many pages to read? (Page count) : 304

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Book brief

Sach Kahun Toh is a Biography & Autobiography genre book, written by Neena Gupta and published by Ebury Press with first print avialable from 2021-11. It is available in en language with Paperback binding and got 304 pages in total. The International Standard Book Number or ISBN identification for the book is 0670095273 (ISBN 10) and 0670095273 (ISBN 13).

Sach Kahun Toh is a Biography & Autobiography genre book, written by Neena Gupta and published by Ebury Press. It is available in en language with Paperback binding and got 304 pages in total. The International Standard Book Number or ISBN identification for the book is 0670095273 (ISBN 10) and 0670095273 (ISBN 13).

In Sach Kahun Toh, actor Neena Gupta chronicles her extraordinary personal and professional journey-from her childhood days in Delhi's Karol Bagh, through her time at the National School of Drama, to moving to Bombay in the 1980s and dealing with the struggles to find work. It details the big milestones in her life, her unconventional pregnancy and single parenthood, and a successful second innings in Bollywood. A candid, self-deprecating portrait of the person behind the persona, it talks about her life's many choices, battling stereotypes, then and now, and how she may not be as unconventional as people think her to be.